Monday, September 29, 2008

This post has no purpose

I've been swamped. I'm in the middle of my first round of tests in addition to the daily grind that is Reporting. So naturally, the blog was the first to be ignored. On the other hand, I somehow have made time to watch copious hours of Mad Men.

I had heard about the show from my Mom, and then again from my advertising professor. I thought it was another CSI/Law & Order/The Unit type show, which is why I dismissed it. But then I heard it was based on the "Golden Age" of American advertising, and I was intrigued. Little did I know it would lead to a crack-like addiction to the suave series that pays homage to a much more sophisticated era.

I am not a TV junkie. I spend a lot of time on the Internet and not enough time studying. The only shows I watch regularly are The Office and Project Runway, and Gilmore Girls (RIP). So for me to have a new show where I can't wait for the next episode is a pretty big deal. Anyway, if you guys haven't seen it yet, I HIGHLY recommend it. Sunday nights on AMC.

Sorry this post lacks the funny, it's almost 2:30 :/

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