Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What a Creepy Blog Title

Yeah, completely creepy Lar. Anyways, I only blog when Lar blogs, so that should lend enough credence to my excuse as to why I haven't blogged.

Now, normally I offer my opinion on whatever it is that Lar blogged about, but seeing as how what Lar just blogged about is pretty lame, I'm going to rant.

1. I love how people feel like their thoughts actually matter on the internet. People will pour out their feelings and no one will give a hoot. Maybe I shouldn't be so harsh. But really, no one cares. Does anyone care that I'm typing this right now? Anyone other than my mother and sister? I thought so. Sorry to sound so nihilistic. But I do admire Darth Nihilus, however.

2. The Dark Knight. Had better win some Oscars.

3. Not Oscar from the Office.

4. I forgot what else I was going to rant about when I went and found the URL for the above image. So...later and stuff.

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